The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Yellow Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey Now In US

Yellow Spot, one of Ireland’s premier Single Pot Still Irish Whiskies, has officially entered the U.S. market. The 12 year old Single Pot Still, previously available exclusively in select European countries, will join fellow renowned Single Pot Still Green Spot, which entered the U.S. market last year. Yellow Spot is...
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Tecate Introduces Michelada Diablo

Tecate announced the introduction of Tecate Diablo, a bold Mexican beer mix based on the traditional Michelada recipe of beer, real tomato juice, lime and spices. Diablo is Tecate’s second offering in the Michelada category and provides a spicier take on the classic drink, leveraging the growing popularity of tomato-based...
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We LUPEC ladies are typically content to leave all things beer to the guys over at beer advocate.  Despite this, we do have a few beer cocktails up our sleeves, such as the Chelada and Michelada, which happen to be ideal for summer sipping.  These beer drinks were born in...
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Still River’s Apple Ice Wine

Wade Holtzman must be a jinni to be able to cram the concentrated essence of 😯 apples, nearly a bushel, into one little bottle. Abetted by his wife, Margot, and son, Leif, he manages that feat 96OO times a year at the family’s Still River Winery in Harvard, Massachusetts. The...
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Because there’s so much drab, unappealing Chardonnay on the market, sometimes we in the business forget what’s made the grape such a powerhouse. Sommeliers in particular seem to bear a collective grudge against our long reigning champion varietal. There are fine restaurants where aversion to Chardonnay’s magnetic appeal is so...
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Summer Beers 2010

Ah, summertime. Hot weather. Baseball games. Trips to the beach. Backyard barbecues. And thirst. What better way to quench that thirst than with an ice-cold beer? Maybe one served in a well-frosted mug. Then again, maybe not. There’s no need to pigeonhole certain beers as being just for summer. “The...
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Vodka continues its dominance of the spirits category, unchecked by . . . well, by anything.  The economy has shuffled the deck a bit on what brands are growing and what price points and niches are successful at the moment.  More than ever, two things are crucial to a particular...
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AARON FRANCISCO 48, General Manager, 111 Chop House, Worcester, MA Rangy, keen-eyed, impulsive, Francisco is senior beverage buyer for multiple award-winning Worcester Restaurant Group’s three destination restaurants.  These brainchildren of owners Robb and Madeleine Ahlquist are: The Sole Proprietor (since 1979), 111 Chop House (1999, where Francisco is also GM),...
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Endangered Cocktail: Cowboy Buddha

Go for the SilverTequila, Lime and the Margarita  COCKTALE A well-made Margarita is a perfect balance of sweet, sour and earthy – a winning, but endangered, cocktail – and we’re calling on you to help keep its flame burning.  A quality silver tequila, a premium triple sec and, most importantly,...
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We’re going to be hearing a lot about tequila this year.  Not only does 2O1O mark the 2OOth anniversary of Mexican independence, but the past few years of growth have set the category up for healthy progress, even in the face of the Great Recession.  With more and more brands...
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