The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Burke and Prohibition Distillery Introduces Bootlegger 21 Gin

The Prohibition Distillery, based in Roscoe New York, has partnered with Burke Distributing Corp. to bring their new Bootlegger 21 Gin to Massachusetts. Inspired by classic London Dry Gins, Bootlegger 21 Gin undergoes a traditional second, post maceration distillation of the classic botanicals using a 300 gallon pot still. This exceptional...
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Absolut’s Next Iconic Bottle Design

This year, Absolut looks to the future and makes a new mark by introducing a freshly redesigned bottle – an icon for the future made by a passionate group of creatives who push boundaries in their pursuit of perfection. Since its launch in 1979, the Absolut Vodka bottle has stood...
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With the recent release of the half-year numbers by the Brewers Association, it is clear that craft beer continues to boom. Breweries large and small are expanding at rapid clips and distributors clamor and compete for new brands. Of all the success stories in the craft beer annals, perhaps none...
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Stuff To Stock

With the holidays arriving, people’s shopping lists are getting longer and so are lines at your register.  With customers streaming in at an increased frequency to pick up bottles for dinner parties, work functions and last minutes gifts, there’s little doubt they’d appreciate the added convenience of knocking a stocking...
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Single Malts

How’s that for laying down the gauntleto begin talking about single malt Scotch whisky? This is a category that inspires passion and dedication – perhaps even unbridled love – from its drinkers.  “You can see how much they appreciate their scotch by the way they hold the glass in their...
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The Hot Toddy

ENDANGERED COCKTAIL OF THE MONTH – HOT TODDY COCKTALE As the temperatures begin to sink in the fall, the thought of ice in your cocktail can just seem cruel.  The ladies of LUPEC Boston are hardy New England broads, and when it comes to winter tippling, we know exactly where...
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Burke 75 Years

They’ve been through the same trials almost every other wholesaler has– loss of franchise rights, tough labor negotiations, market shifts,and the additional struggles of keeping a family interested in the family business –but they’ve fought their way back from blows that should have sunk them.Today Burke is big: they got...
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New Home for Glenlivet

Long before there were brand ambassadors, glossy magazine ads, blogs – heck, before marketing campaigns or the internet even existed – Glenlivet was the single malt with the reputation and grandeur other single malts aspired to have. The brand only acquired its formal appellation later. First comes the story of...
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Blended Scotch

I’ll begin this look at the blended Scotch whisky category by reviewing some numbers from the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS). Last year 7,882,OOO 9-liter cases of the stuff were sold. The breakdown is 2,8OO,OOO cases of value, 3,159,OOO cases of premium, 1,838,OOO cases of high-end premium,...
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Reminiscent of Prince Henry the Navigator’s dispatching explorers hither and yon from Portugal in the 15th century, thus widening European commercial horizons, Portuguese winemakers are fanning out widely of late to show their worthy wares. This was clearly evident at the 2O1O Boston Wine Expo, where they made a hit,...
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Within 3O years the Australian wine industry emerged from obscurity to being one of the top three exporting wine nations in the world. Since 2OO6, however, a downturn in the customer demand for Australian wine has forced the industry to rethink its future. Internal commercial imbalance, climatic change, most importantly...
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