The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Kahlua and The Dude Team-Up for The White Russian

Kahlua, the classic rum and coffee liqueur, has joined forces with Academy Award-winning actor Jeff Bridges to release “The White Russian,” a Kahlua Productions short film honoring the classic cocktail. Bridges, who narrates and stars in the short film, recounts an adventure-filled story with twists and turns for the characters,...
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Dos Equis Most Interesting Masquerade Program

To promote its newly reformulated Heineken Light, Heineken USA has launched the “Best Tasting Light” campaign featuring three-time Emmy award winner and Tony award winner and host, Neil Patrick Harris. The Heineken Light recipe still contains just 99 calories but now features the addition of cascade hops, commonly used in...
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Cordials and Liqueurs

While technically, both domestic and import numbers were collectively down this year, I’d be surprised if too much sleep was being lost over it.  Behind only vodka and rum, the Cordials+Liqueurs category continues to soar, thanks in part to consumers’ on-going passion for home mixing and the versatility the category...
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2009 Retailer of the Year

If any liquor store has a storied past, it’s Pioppi’s Package Store. If any shop has a particularly New England storied past, it’s Pioppi’s. The Plymouth shop is something of an institution in its own right, earning the Best Liquor Store nod from the readers of Old Colony Memorial 11...
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Port season is upon us and, although it has not been growing recently on the American market, the venerable fortified wine from the Douro Valley remains one of the world’s classic categories that, from a qualitative standpoint, goes from strength to strength and keeps renewing itself with improved techniques of...
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The Nebbiolos of the Vatellina

In the far northern reaches of Lombardy, 1OO kilometers north of Milan, so near the edge of Italy that one might fall off into Switzerland, lies the isolated Valtellina, a region unique in its geography, its culture and its wines. Here is grown the noble nebbiolo of a character distinct...
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Malt Bombs

My brother-in-law Curt is a chef, and I love hanging out around the table with him.  He’s nuts about truffles, hates factory-farm chicken, loves fresh-picked fruit.  He’s fearless about what he’ll try, but he’s just as fearless in stating what he doesn’t like. One of the things he doesn’t like...
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Endangered Cocktails: The Widows Kiss

COCKTALE The obscure cordial and liqueur bottles interspersed among the familiar spirits that line the back bar may be easily overlooked by most bar guests, but LUPEC Boston finds few bottles so intriguing.  Often steeped in history and tradition, many of these strange potions play an important supporting role in...
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Bin Ends

One of the first things you notice upon entering Bin Ends, a liquor store in a mixed-use complex in Braintree, is that there’s not a wine rack in sight. For a store that regularly counts about 45O wine labels in its inventory – not to mention an abundant stock of...
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Zaca Mesa

Although the American Indian word zaca means “restful place”, it appears that Zaca Mesa Winery in Los Olivos, California, founded in 1972, entered a blessedly restful phase only a few years ago. It’s original owners, a group of investors led by oilman Louis Ream, gave way in 1986 to the...
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Great American Beer Festival 2009

Things could have gone very differently this year. In the midst of the worst economy for consumer goods in more than half a century, craft and domestic brewers alike braced for a painful and unknown impact. They anticipated sharp declines, the product of worried consumers staying home and away from...
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