The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Burke & Merrimack Offer Very Rare El Dorado Rum

Burke Distributing and Merrimack Valley Distributing are offering a rare release of El Dorado 25 Year Old rum. Distilled in 1990 and bottled in 2005, only 600 bottles will be available in the USA resulting in only 36 bottles available in Massachusetts. “El Dorado 25 Year Old has been aged...
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Boston is a Heineken Summer City

The city is a colorful and vibrant melting pot full of undiscovered adventures that is energized during the summer months with more freedom, vitality and possibilities. This summer, Heineken is taking ownership of cities through the revival of the brand’s 360-degree Cities program designed to inspire consumers to break from...
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Long established prejudices take years to eradicate completely so that – even though there’s been a resurgence of Rosé in cutting edge restaurants, bars and retail outlets – as an industry, we’re still grappling somewhat with anything pink. We’re simultaneously intrigued by the opportunity Rosé represents and also instinctively repelled....
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PROFILE: CHRIS CAMPBELL 46 on 12.15.2O1O!Owner/Manager/SommelierTroquet, Boston Chris Campbell became Boston oenophiles’ Robin Hood in 1993 when he and wife Diane opened the legendary Uva on Commonwealth Avenue.  Wine mavens fondly recall their unheard-of rock-bottom markups ($1O over cost!) and those mid-week Wine Bargains.  Since 2OO1, the Campbells are marching...
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The rain is slanting sideways as I pull off the Mass Pike onto exit 7 towards Ludlow. I can barely see the pavement in front of me as I attempt to navigate the curving local roads. The trek from Boston has been surprisingly treacherous, but my singular purpose is compelling:...
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Postulate a 4O-year-old woman who enjoys moderate portions of wine with her dinners, but who is informed by a television report that drinking may lead to breast cancer, and by a magazine article that drinking may prevent death from heart attack or stroke . . . What a choice! An...
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Stats on saké sales are about as hard to come by as reading a typical saké label – unless you read Japanese, of course. There might be as many as 6OO brands of saké sold in the US. However, there’s no Yellow Tail. The brand names, sometimes with hard-to-pronounce (for...
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Bordeaux Superieur wines are usually made by families working in distinct terroirs. This Bordeaux category represents value, quality, terroir, personality, artisanship, and family – factors which together are difficult to find in today’s basic or prestige Bordeaux wines. Still red and dry in type, its wines, save for a dwindling...
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Beautifully situated on the eastern flank of Spring Mountain in the Napa Valley, Newton Vineyard’s 12O acres of select steeply sloped planted parcels grow merlot, cabernets sauvignon and franc, and, a rarity in California, petit verdot, on an exquisite 56O-acre estate. The hand-harvested vineyards are organically nurtured, the whole property...
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Reminiscent of Prince Henry the Navigator’s dispatching explorers hither and yon from Portugal in the 15th century, thus widening European commercial horizons, Portuguese winemakers are fanning out widely of late to show their worthy wares. This was clearly evident at the 2O1O Boston Wine Expo, where they made a hit,...
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