The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Newcastle Brown Ale Unveils New Look and New Plan

Newcastle Brown Ale is unveiling a new look and a fresh, localized plan for growth in the U.S. under management of the Five Points Trading Company, HEINEKEN’s venture aimed at incubating a range of premium global beer brands in the U.S. Newcastle Brown Ale’s new primary and secondary packaging highlights...
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Red Stripe Invites Consumers To ‘Skip The Winter”

Red Stripe is inviting consumers to choose Red Stripe for a shot at a spring break getaway to the brand’s island home where they can enjoy the carefree spirit that Jamaica offers all year round. Red Stripe’s ‘Skip the Winter, Fly away for Spring Break’ national sweepstakes program kicked off...
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Wet Work in a Former Dry Town

Damnation Alley Distils First Vodkas and Whiskies in Boston Suburbs “If you distill it, they will come . . .” That seems to be the mantra for aspiring, talented and hardworking spirit-folk in New England. They’ve followed the increasing trickle of craft brewers and garage winemakers creating viable independent businesses,...
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DESPITE growing and making winefor 4OOO years, portugal’s potables have remained largely a secret from the rest of the world, although certainly not from the thirsty Portuguese. Other than the three great fortified wines – Port, Moscatel de Setúbal, Madeira – and a few that must not be named, Portuguese...
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GENNARO CATALDOOwnerBeer and Wine Hobby TUCKED AWAY in an industrial office park right off Route 95 in Woburn is 5OOO square foot warehouse dedicated to the art of making something to drink.  No, it’s not a craft cocktail bar nor is it a bartending school.  Beer and Wine Hobby is...
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Patz & Hall

Business partnerships rarely work but the dynamic duo of Donald Patz and James Hall, proprietors of the eponymous winery that bears their names, is a sterling example of how one plus one sometimes equals three.  A marketer committed to developing long term relationships that guarantee access to some of California’s...
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AS A CHILD this lupec lady spent Easter mornings hunting for brightly colored, hardboiled eggs hidden slyly in the living room by the Easter bunny.  Now I spend Eastertime hunting for brightly colored cocktails made with fresh eggs as an ingredient.  Once hidden in the recesses of old cocktail books,...
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ALTHOUGH, since South Dakota joined the club in 1996, all 5O states and all ten of Canada’s provinces host wineries, those in the east are hardly noticed by network news or international wire service reports, which concentrate on regions three time zones to our west or beyond the ocean to...
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A FEW DECADES AGO, popping to the store for a six-pack of beer would have been no big deal.  Depending upon where you lived, the local liquor or grocery store would have offered a dozen or so big named brands, including Stroh’s, Schlitz, Hamm’s, and the Big Three (Anheuser-Busch, Miller,...
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