The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Cordials and Liqueurs

This is hardly surprising as cordials are virtually everywhere and are often key ingredients in creative martinis and myriad other cocktails, while also being frequently served on their own. The last year saw some unique product launches, a variety of savvy promotions and the continued hot streak of the once-obscure...
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Alcohol Content Keeps Soaring

Whatever your position in this industry – wholesaler, retailer, restaurateur – it’s likely that you see bottles of wine on a daily basis. But when was the last time you took a close look at the alcohol content listed on the side of a bottle, particularly one from California? It...
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Glassware Today

In today’s cocktail culture, glassware can make or break a drinking/dining experience. Glasses have personalities – chic, sexy and elegant – and they are nearly as important as their contents. While a glass’s shape can influence the actual taste of a drink, its style can psychologically enhance the experience, thus...
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Whiskey Chronicles

Whiskey. It’s widely celebrated, commands great respect and continues to be a wildly popular spirit. For this article I look to one place by land and, if you will, two if by sea – Canada, Ireland and Scotland. With glasses raised the questions are: What’s hot, what’s changing, where is...
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Bottled Water

We all know that when you’re at the supermarket and convenience store your options runneth over with about a zillion choices of water. Perrier paved the way years ago and then Evian followed suit and now there’s no end to the selections. There’s water with bubbles, water with vitamins, flavored...
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Liking Fruit Wines

Generally, they tend to be pigeonholed into one of two categories: country fair craft wines or commercial Boone’s Farm-esque flavored wines, neither of which is very esteemed. These particular flavor profiles, however, do not apply to all fruit wines. With popularity at an all time high, skilled winemakers throughout the...
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