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Featured Articles

A Visit With Frank Duboeuf

We’ve all heard of the terrible, torrid summer of 2003 in Europe. It was not wholly a bad thing, for some good wine will come out of it. By HARVEY FINKEL Franck Duboeuf, son of Georges, the highly successful and respected Beaujolais negociant, visited recently, and I was able to...
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Penny Knapman

PENNY KNAPMAN • 64 • Owner/Buyer • The Epicure, Chatham, MA The Epicure on Main Street in Chatham opened as an S.S.Pierce store in 192O; Penny Knapman is only its fourth proprietor. In a small town with seasonal dips and a big inventory, how’s a gal to run a mom...
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Wine Cellar 101

A story in the Wine Spectator a couple of years ago makes me chuckle every time I think about it. It concerns Joe the Wine Geek, his wife and their wine cellar. After a few incidents involving his wife when Joe wasn’t around, like when she opened a $3OO bottle...
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Great Beer!

Well, I’ve got some choices for you. There’s a rich smooth porter, a crisp and spicy witbier, an all-organic pale ale, a brisk and bitter IPA, a pumpkin-and-spice ale that’s perfect for fall drinking, and a big 8% bruiser that was aged on a bed of roasted cocoa beans. What...
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Brunello di Montalcino

Italy remains, by far, our number one source of imported wine in the United States. However, because consumers at the luxury end of the market remain largely unfamiliar with its multiplicity of names, regions and grape varieties, Italian wine is rarely a first choice at business gatherings or celebrations unless...
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Proseccos, Cavas and Cremant deBourgogne

December is certainly the time for festive drinking and Champagne is usually the first pick as a celebratory wine during the holidays. But for some of our clients, Champagne isn’t necessarily an option because of the price tag, and sometimes it just doesn’t work economically for what we as wine...
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Riesling Revisisted

As I was packing to leave on a summer tour of the vineyards and wineries of the Rhine in Germany, I struggled with the weighty issues we all struggle with. Am I bringing too many clothes? What kind of shoes? Sandals? No, not sandals, not to efficient, practical Germany; pack...
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Roger Ormon

ROGER ORMON • 63 • Sales Manager • Brookline Liquor Mart • Allston, MA After 35 years at Brookline Liquor Mart, most of it as sales manager, Roger Ormon has acquired the long view of wine and wine sales. Having accrued plenty of wine (and people) wisdom, especially with tasting...
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Argyle’s Graig Eastman

Pulling holiday wines from the cellar brought to mind last spring’s tour of Willamette Valley, Oregon. (Argyle’s crisp and nutty 1997 Brut and plummy 2001 Pinot Noir would be gracing my festive sideboard of All-American entries.) By FRED BOUCHARD A visit to Argyle Winery, middle-aged by Oregon’s youthful standards at...
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Expo Conquered

Especially when the New England winter punishes our world with snow, wind and piercing cold, it makes me wonder what those Pilgrims were thinking. Surely there was someone on board the Mayflower shouting, “Left! Turn left!” but to no avail. For 15 years now, the happiest sight of winter has...
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