A Little Chocolate, A Little Wine . . . A Nobel Prize
Flavanols, one of the groups of polyphenols found in red wines, cocoa, green tea, and some fruits, have been demonstrated in numerous studies, both of populations and in the laboratory, to be correlated with good health, mental and physical fitness, and long life. They benefit the heart and arteries and... Read More
Although the 1999 was Craggy Range’s first vintage to appear on the market, more than ten years of preparation had been required to satisfy the exacting standards of the company’s principals. Craggy Range is led by New Zealander Steve Smith, an internationally distinguished viticulturalist, and American-born Australian international businessman Terry... Read More
Pilsner Urquell
The first was last September. I was at the brewery in Pilsen, in the Czech Republic. We saw the huge, modern brewery with the big copper brewing kettles (heated by direct fire) and the massive stainless fermentation and maturation tanks . . . all aboveground. Then we were led below... Read More
Vinho Verde
Portugal is the world’s tenth largest wine producer but, outside of Port, its wines remain somewhat of a mystery in the US. About fifteen years ago I devoted considerable effort to importing and marketing Portuguese wines here because of the challenge of representing a country with a rich heritage and... Read More
KIRSTEN AMANN, BRAND CHAMPION for FRATELLI BRANCA, LUPEC LADY and WRITER EXTRAORDINAIREIt’s hard to pigeonhole Kirsten Amann as just one thing. She’s known as the bartender’s best friend in her role as Boston’s brand ambassador for the bitter, cultish Fernet Branca liqueur. She writes a cocktail column in this publication... Read More
With the holidays upon us,who doesn’t want to raise a glassof something elegant and sparkly? And for those mornings after you’ve had one too many, make no mistake – Champagne can sub in beautifully for a Bloody Mary as a hangover cure. As Charles H. Baker, Jr. wrote in “The... Read More
Winter Drinking
The seasonal variety of craft beer is perhaps its greatest selling point for both consumers and retailers. When the weather shifts from warm days to chilly nights, frost-nipped beer lovers turn to rich, hearty beers – including bocks, dubbels and imperial porters – to help them cope with the seasonal... Read More
Your holiday dance card is surely full of fetes, parties and soirees. Chances are that for at least one such occasion, you’re tasked with bringing something delicious. Why not come armed with punch? We LUPEC ladies are fond of following very traditional recipes for our punches. Why not? If a... Read More
Boston Shaker’s Adam Lantheaume’s Ideas on Gift Giving 2012
There’s a chill in the air, tiny white lights twinkle on at dusk, festive music is playing everywhere and bells are jingling outside of the shops. Don’t look now but the holidays are upon us with a vengeance. Your customers will soon be revving up their shopping as they seek... Read More
BRAND MANAGER for CISCO BREWERS, TRIPLE EIGHT DISTILLERY and NANTUCKET VINEYARD MATT LAMBO is one of those people who can truly say he’s had a hand in building a brand from the ground up. Lambo is a jack of all trades (sales, events, marketing) who has spent 1O years as... Read More