The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


How it is today with Straight Whiskeys . . .

I get packages shipped by FedExI get letters and documents carried by DHLI got the computer I’m writing this on delivered by UPS They have imaginative ads, great services, and snappy graphics on their trucks and cargo jets. High-end service, very profitable, a specialist market. But most of the stuff...
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And with Austrian wines today…

Austrians, however, have totally renovated and moved forward their wine industry, from the low-cost-driven sweet wine industry that prevailed in the 197Os and early 198Os to the dry, mid-priced wines that characterize today’s industry. The pivot point for this change was 1985 when unethical producers adulterated wine with di-ethylene glycol....
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When I first became acquainted with the wines of Shafer Vineyards and met John Shafer – it must have been more than 25 years ago – two impressions engraved themselves on my mind: all the wines tasted so good right from the first; the charm and intelligence of John Shafer....
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Hot Stuff!

Despite the efforts of industry experts, market analysts and advertising executives, the formula for successfully establishing a trend remains a conundrum.  The market moves like a plastic bag in the wind and the taste of the masses is far from quantifiable.  In the liquor industry, when a seemingly good idea...
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The Rest of the Gin Story.

DEAR SUBSCRIBERS Due to a production error, a very important ingredient was omitted from last month’s Gin article, unfortunately altering the ultimate flavor of its final presentation.  With my apologies to you, our readership, Old Raj importer Henry Preiss, owner of Preiss Imports, and Robert Bradford, here is, in full,...
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Breaking the Rules with Tania Oseguera.

The private dining room at Casa Romero was small. The undertaking was not.Tania Oseguera, brand ambassador for Corzo and Cazadores tequilas, set the tone for the night when she notified the small group that tonight was “an opportunity to break the rules”. Breaking is one thing, but she didn’t warn...
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