The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.


Mining Minerals!

The sommelier proclaimed, “Minerals!” I scratched my head. Minerality is the OM of wine tasting. But what do minerals smell like? In elementary school, I grew some minerals in science class. They didn’t smell of anything. But wine professionals frequently use the terms “mineral” and “minerality” to describe something about...
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Red Wine Delivering

Recent research has demonstrated that some of the polyphenols of wine appear to extend life span by mechanisms new to us. Maybe Ponce de Leon should have sought the fountain of youth in the vineyards of his native Spain instead of sloshing through the swamps of Florida. Be aware that,...
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New England Brewing Tales

Several of these breweries only recently entered the Massachusetts marketplace and each is striving to get its story out there. FOR THIS Six-pack of Local Breweries, I visit one-man operations, contract breweries, and some small craft breweries. Each of the breweries profiled here is distinctive, either for focusing on a...
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Knowing When to Cellar or Sell

TO CELLAR OR NOT TO CELLAR, that is the question. There have been more than a couple beverage programs I have worked with that I’ve tried to encourage putting away a small percentage of wine to improve their list for the future. More often than not the response has been...
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Prtecting Us from Cancer

First, let us revisit what is known of increased cancer risk associated with drinking. Alcohol (and its first breakdown product, acetaldehyde) is the only component of wine that may be inculpated, then almost exclusively when chronically abused. Spirits and beer appear to be associated with more risk than wine. It...
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A Foreign Four-Pack

For the first time in recent years, imported beers have been forced to take a back seat to craft beers in terms of production and sales gains. While craft beers receive much coverage in this column, in a counter-cultural spirit, it seems the right time to focus on four notable...
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CB on MA, NH and VT

Paper City Brewing Company Holyoke, MA If you visit Paper City during one of its popular Friday night tour and party sessions, you’ll usually see a man off to one side, quietly building and filling beer containers for his departing guests. With his prodigious work ethic, it’s no surprise the...
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Showing It’s Metal

Actually, chances are, you won’t. Because this bottle is made of aluminum, more than three times as thick as an aluminum can’s wall. “If you smack a full one against your desk, you’d put a dent in it,” said Ed Delia, who does PR for CCL Container, an Ontario-based firm...
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Still Battling the British?

IT HAS BEEN AWHILE since the British and the United States have clashed in a violent fray. Since the 18OOs, England has been our staunchest ally. Through thick and thin we have stood side by side, until now. The bond between our two countries is under threat, being torn asunder...
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