The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.

Featured Articles

Smoked Beer

. . . smoked beers are more than likely,every bit as old as smoky whiskey, and were once much more widespread. The first time I had Victory Brewing’s St. Victorious doublebock, I noticed a difference from other doublebocks I’d had. It had an extra dimension to it, a richness that...
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Endangered Cocktails

Last month we discussed vodka a spirit overlooked in the states until the 1950s, when it took the nation by storm.  Tequila suffered a similar fate – didn’t gain notoriety here until the “Great Experiment”, when any liquor was good liquor.  Surely you’ve tried a Tequila Sunrise or a Margarita,...
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Tequila, the Business

Given the centuries-old legacy of alcoholic beverages it took a very short time for Tequila to go from a native Mexican spirit that might be palatable if you’re lucky, to a highly regulated industry that has diversifying exponentially each year. The Beckmann (formally Cuervo) family remains the oldest tequila-making clan...
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Tequila, the Visit

A VISIT TO TEQUILA. . . the unique qualities of each brand of tequila are achieved through carefully derived formulas each of which involves a delicate balance of ancient knowledge, agricultural prowess, modern technology, and a dash of sunny whimsy. Tequila is perhaps the most regulated spirit in the world....
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The Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America wrapped up its Sixty-Sixth Annual Convention & Expositionwith the presentations of the 2OO9 WSWA Lifetime Leadership Award and the Sidney Frank Award to industry visionaries Robert Epstein and A. Raymond Tye. Robert Epstein President of Horizon Beverage Group was presented with the WSWA Lifetime...
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That dusty old bottle sitting on countless bars back shelf could be one of many potable or non-potable spirits being massively overlooked by most bartenders and imbibers. Until recently that is. With the serious cocktail resurgence in full effect we see bartenders all over the country and world, mixing old...
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Chris Douglass

Wine dinners are a dime a dozen and when pressed, most restaurateurs will tell you they’re hardly an easy sell. It’s not just the abundance of them that diners can often find on any given weeknight, it’s pulling off the affair at a cost that’s both consumer-friendly and fiscally sound...
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Endangered Cocktails

Vodka takes center stage on most modern cocktail lists but the spirit was virtually unknown to most Americans until the 194Os.  When the “white whiskey” finally did take off, it was thanks to a clever marketing ploy conceived by two businessmen looking to unload two products they couldn’t seem to...
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Re: “Let Them Have Liquor Licenses!”                                                                                                 28 March 2OO9          April 2OO9 issue page 3O From: John H Eisenbeiser IV          Whip City Spirits Incorporated          65 Southwick Road Westfield, MA  O1O85          dba/76 Discount Loquors, Westfield, MA O1O85          dba/Riverside Liquors, Agawam, MA O1OO1 To Whom It May Concern, I am an owner...
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Vodka.  How does one begin to wrap one’s mind around the subject of vodka?  The simple word “big” is far too small to describe this behemoth of a spirit.  Speaking with the people who sell vodka – the producers importers wholesalers retailers, bar and restaurant owners – and those who...
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