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Featured Articles

Beer’s Still Here

Get out of your beer rut! While the money that pays most of your bills still comes from moving those pallets, there are some real opportunities for fun – and profit – in beer these days. Heineken Premium Light has put new spark in the light beer market, Mexican beer...
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The Oriel Line

For winemakers, sourcing grapes from outside a vineyard estate is nothing new. Yellow Tail does it. So do Louis Jadot and Verget. But creating a line of limited-production wines from all over the world, crafted by a diverse group of renowned wine-makers, bottled at the source and then distributed under...
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Geek Heaven

Riding an impressive and seemingly unbreakable wave of industry growth, the Brewers Association recently celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its signature event, the Great American Beer Festival (GABF), in Denver, Colorado. With expanded floor space and increased offerings, the festival broke its old records and new ground in the promotion...
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Cognac & Brandy

As a combined category, brandy and Cognac has doubled in sales from ten years ago. While it might be climbing the ladder slowly, it’s climbing nonetheless. In 2OO5, total volume increased .7% to 1O.2 million 9-liter cases. A breakdown of the statistics shows that most of the growth is in...
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Mix Masters

WHAT’S IN A NAME? Drink invention is, without a doubt, a major component of mixology. Today’s mixologists experiment with infused liquors, fruit nectars, aromatics, and flamboyant garnishes, creating unusual signature cocktails which may take inspiration anywhere from a Snickers bar to Thai curry. Some professionals worry, however, that the word...
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Soak It Up

Executive Chef Robert Fathman, of Azure in Boston’s Lenox Hotel, started experimenting with infusions years ago when he happened to have an overstock of fresh figs at the restaurant where he worked. Rather than toss them out, he poured bourbon on them, added some cinnamon and vanilla, and an infusion...
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Sake’s Now Cool • Beer Gets Boosted

Although sake has been in the US for decades, it was, until recently, a fairly one-dimensional beverage consumed almost exclusively with Japanese food. Typically served warm, people either loved sake or hated it. But nowadays, sake is chic. For a number of reasons, sake – particularly chilled sake – has...
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No Dribbling This Time!

Located an hour from Boston and a stone’s throw from Newport, Rhode Island, is the Westport Rivers Winery, which is owned and operated by the Russell Family. A recent conversation with winemaker Bill Russell reveals the rewarding side of the business while also delving into its darker corners. Carol and...
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Cordials and Liqueurs

This is hardly surprising as cordials are virtually everywhere and are often key ingredients in creative martinis and myriad other cocktails, while also being frequently served on their own. The last year saw some unique product launches, a variety of savvy promotions and the continued hot streak of the once-obscure...
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Alcohol Content Keeps Soaring

Whatever your position in this industry – wholesaler, retailer, restaurateur – it’s likely that you see bottles of wine on a daily basis. But when was the last time you took a close look at the alcohol content listed on the side of a bottle, particularly one from California? It...
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