Central Coast Wines
THE CENTRAL COAST IS OFF THE RADAR SCREEN.” said Ian McFadden, wine director at Marty’s in Allston. “Consumers have no idea where the Central Coast is or how the wines are different.” At the 2OO6 Boston Wine Expo, I decided to ask Central Coasters what comprised the Central Coast. I... Read More
The Beer Guys!!
In the first part of this interview, I sat down with Sam Calagione, president of the Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, and Tomme Arthur, head brewer for the Port Brewing Company, to discuss the business of beer and what it takes to be the face of their brands. In this second... Read More
People Loving Chardonnay
The idea even seems a bit quaint. Having recently sat on a blind tasting panel composed mainly of sommeliers from around the world, I can report that it’s not a popular grape among many of the young guns in the field. Not that anyone comes out and actually says they... Read More
Designing A Wine List
The wine list is the primary venue for those of us in restaurants to showcase our wares to our clients. And with the evolution of modern technology, the internet has also given retailers the ability to create wine lists as well, via websites or computers kiosks in their stores. With... Read More
Vino’s Still Populi
During the mid to late 199Os, the Italian wine industry had never seen it so good. Every year indicated steady growth on all fronts. Fantasy wines with virtual reputations and very real high price tags, waltzed into the marketplace. Producers increased their prices every year causing a domino-effect that ended... Read More
Chateau Margaux
As a recent vertical tasting at the inappropriately named California Wine Experience in Chicago clearly established, the Chateau has over the past twenty odd years produced a series of impeccably structured, absolutely delicious wines which rank among the most thrilling in the world. Expectations at this level, at the pinnacle... Read More
The Gin Game
In recent years, we’ve been seeing some encouraging vital signs stirring in the long-struggling vodka-dominated gin market. But no one was quite ready to expect the pulsing upswing of beverage business interest or the extent of new upscale brand investment, successful new brands, growing customer recognition, and downright swellegance that’s... Read More
Bring Back the After Dinner Drink
AS THE HOLiDAYS NEAR and the New England weather turns to its usual snowy state, ’tis the season for heavier dishes and big red wines to grace our tables and warm our souls. In a bygone era, the end of the meal was when the cigars came out and the... Read More
Greg Graziano, who makes wine in the Redwood Valley, one of the state’s most northern appellations, is doing something about that imbalance. He has both the name and the grapes. Greg is the proprietor and winemaker of a 2O,OOO-case winery called Graziano Family of Wines, which produces four different labels,... Read More
Hot Stuff
What do Mojitos, Cosmopolitans, Yellow Tail, and Pinot Noir all have in common? Besides being alcohol beverages, they are examples of drinks that went from being merely popular to virtually defining the cocktail culture of this decade. Every year scores of new products are released with the hopes of becoming... Read More