The indispensable tool for the Massachusetts adult beverage trade.

Featured Articles

Pairing the Unpairable

As restaurateurs and retail proprietors, one of the many questions we are frequently asked by our clients is about food and wine pairings. Many times the questions are about easy pairings that follow the old rules of red wine with meat and white with fish. When this rule was coined,...
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Holy Beverage!

As any even casual reader of the Bible or student of ancient history knows, wine has been produced and consumed in the Land of Israel for thousands of years. It has also been exported for many centuries, constituting a favored drink among the Roman legions and among the pharaoh’s court...
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Kosher Wines

Traditional kosher wine in the United States has been most often based upon Concord grapes grown in New York State, sweetened after fermentation (now often with less expensive corn syrup most of the year, but with cane sugar for Passover wines, because grains are not considered kosher for Passover by...
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It’s a little like being in your car, stopped at one of those railroad crossings when the gates go down, and here comes a freight train, moving fast, but seemingly without an end.The engine is large and powerful and pulling a multitude of box cars of different shapes and heights,...
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Whites After Labor Day

To me wine is seasonal primarily to the extent that I’m drawn to certain dishes at different points on the calendar. To complement the lighter, fresher fare that makes up a large part of my diet during the warmer months, I’ll often choose wines that are lower in alcohol, un-oaked,...
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Bring Back the Fine Art of Service

WHEN MY WIFE AND I WERE LOOKING FOR A CONDO LAST YEAR, we came upon a new development. If you looked up this designer in the dictionary under “stereotypical Frenchman”, his picture would be there. In a video introduction about the condos, we saw him talking about this project and...
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Add Art

Wine (sometimes beer, both with or without cheese, or even spirits) often create a perfect counterpoint to certain arts events. The synergy that comes in appealing to people’s good tastes on multiple fronts makes for memorable events and can effect positive branding for both sponsoring arts group and consulting supplier....
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Jim Koch Interview

A pioneer of the craft brewing movement, Koch transformed a small business operation into one of the largest breweries in America. His story is firmly ensconced in beer lore: the recipe for Sam Adams in his attic, six generations of brewmasters in his family and humble origins peddling beer bar...
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Primivito? Zinfandel?

During the 197Os, the California wine trade touted Zinfandel as its very own grape variety while it was quietly aware that its origin lay somewhere else. In the last few years, researchers have discovered that not only has this variety had a longer commercial history in Italy where it is...
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East Craft West Craft

With multiple Great American Beer Festival medals and two Small Brewpub Brewer of the Year awards to his credit, Tomme Arthur’s brewing talents are self-evident. A pioneer in the wood and barrel aging movement, Arthur has long worked as the head brewer at the Solana Beach location of the Pizza...
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