SCOTTISH BREWER BrewDog is planning to open The DogHouse, a 5O-room hotel and sour beer brewery that will be based in Columbus, Ohio. The hotel will feature a craft beer spa with beer-based treatments, a craft tap in every room, and an in-shower beer fridge. Guests who stay in the luxury suite will also have a hot tub filled with Punk IPA at their disposal. While BrewDog anticipates that the project will cost around $6 million, it is hoping to fast-track the process with support of investors via a campaign they launched on crowdfunding site Indiegogo. Those who invest in the project will be rewarded with perks including free nights at hotel, exclusive releases from the sour beer facility and the chance to have your name on a foeder, depending on the level of investment. BrewDog is aiming to open The DogHouse by the end of September 2O18.