HERE’S SOME WINE NEWS to raise a glass to! Up to a third of a bottle of wine with a meal every day results in a more positive outlook on life and fewer sicknesses. This is no secret in Mediterranean cultures, where a wine is a standard component of a good meal, but now science says it should be too. The researchers, who were from the University of Helsinki and the University of Tampere, looked at almost 26OO people between 18 and 69. The 12 percent of subjects who had wine regularly with meal reported “better health, higher self-efficacy, and less psychological distress than others even when various confounders were adjusted for.” The key is having the wine with the meal: The scientists found that drinking away from the table didn’t have the same benefits. Interestingly, risky drinking behaviors could also be predicted from the results of the study: 25 percent of those who drank wine and beer at meals were “bingers” while just 8 percent of those who only had wine would go on to binge.