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Featured Articles

A Foreign Four-Pack

For the first time in recent years, imported beers have been forced to take a back seat to craft beers in terms of production and sales gains. While craft beers receive much coverage in this column, in a counter-cultural spirit, it seems the right time to focus on four notable...
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CB on MA, NH and VT

Paper City Brewing Company Holyoke, MA If you visit Paper City during one of its popular Friday night tour and party sessions, you’ll usually see a man off to one side, quietly building and filling beer containers for his departing guests. With his prodigious work ethic, it’s no surprise the...
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Showing It’s Metal

Actually, chances are, you won’t. Because this bottle is made of aluminum, more than three times as thick as an aluminum can’s wall. “If you smack a full one against your desk, you’d put a dent in it,” said Ed Delia, who does PR for CCL Container, an Ontario-based firm...
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Still Battling the British?

IT HAS BEEN AWHILE since the British and the United States have clashed in a violent fray. Since the 18OOs, England has been our staunchest ally. Through thick and thin we have stood side by side, until now. The bond between our two countries is under threat, being torn asunder...
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NE Craft Brewers

One of the recent trends in craft brewing is the development of regional powerhouse microbreweries. A handful of these breweries now rank among the biggest in the country. Harpoon in the Northeast, Summit and Goose Island in the Midwest, Redhook in the Northwest, and New Belgium in the West all...
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Clarendon Hill Reds

Wine production got its start 167 years ago in McLaren Vale, 22 miles south of Adelaide in South Australia. Its ups, of its many ups and downs, can be credited to men named Reynell, Hardy, Kelly, Manning, and Penfold. Now we can add a rather un-Australian name to the illustrious...
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Erok Johnson

ERIK JOHNSON • 37 • Beverage Manager/Sommelier • L’Espalier and Sel de la Terre • Boston Sel de la Terre, located opposite the Aquarium T-stop, is admirably positioned to do a booming lunch trade and tourist business for its Mediterranean cuisine. L’Espalier, tucked in toney Back Bay, enters its third...
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Bonterra’s Bonvino

NICHOLEBIRDSALL, assistant winemaker at Bonterra Vineyards of Mendocino County in California, was part of the massive annual pilgrimage to the this year’s Boston Wine Expo, affording an opportunity to taste and discuss the wines she helps conceive and produce. Lovely wines and reasonably priced, they are worth sharing by means...
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Today’s Bourbon Drinkers

Behold the Classic Bourbon Drinker (homo redlikkerus). He is white, middle-aged, Southern, and firmly clutches his large glass of bourbon and branch. He is simple and unadorned, much like his drink. His drink is whatever is on sale that month, pricelined to a razor-thin margin to move cases and beat...
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Tuscans Returning

Tuscany’s 2OO4 vintage now rests quietly in containers of steel, oak and concrete. In February 2OO5, at a series of tastings organized in Tuscany by the consortiums of Chianti Classico, Montepulciano and Montalcino, I sipped barrel and tank samples of 2OO4s. I sensed their future profiles. I can’t say that...
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