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Andy Crouch

Interview with Jeff Becker

ANDY CROUCH How is the Beer Institute’s relationship with smaller brewers? JEFF BECKER I’d like to say that one of the things we’ve been able to do, at least over the last seven to eight years, is the policy stuff where there is interest among the smaller guys at getting...
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Great American Beer Festival

ONCE again, beer lovers and industry workers from all fifty states and dozens of countries gathered in the welcoming environs of Denver, Colorado’s Convention Center to celebrate the success of the craft brewing industry and to witness its continued growth at the annual Great American Beer Festival. By all objective...
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Beer’s Future

THE HOP CRISIS The celebrations of craft beer producers have a darkening cloud hanging over them. The talk among brewers and distributors in recent months has turned from their recent successes to the possibility of a severe shortage of raw materials for use in the brewing process. While craft brewers...
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That’s Mr. Beer to You!

No one ever said growing up was easy to do. Maturity begets responsibility and so follows the necessity of prioritizing efforts, goals, and interests. Be it graduating from school, entering the workforce, raising a family, or running a craft brewery, everyone eventually has to become an adult. At the recent...
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Beer’s Still Alive!

To hear the mainstream media or spirits and wine flacks tell it, beer is dead. It’s a passe beverage that no self-respecting drinker would cop to enjoying. A much-cited study found that people claim to drink more wine than beer. Production and total share of consumption is down, but beer...
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East Craft West Craft

With multiple Great American Beer Festival medals and two Small Brewpub Brewer of the Year awards to his credit, Tomme Arthur’s brewing talents are self-evident. A pioneer in the wood and barrel aging movement, Arthur has long worked as the head brewer at the Solana Beach location of the Pizza...
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Queer Year for Beer

2OO5 was also the year when beer industry executives publicly admitted that their actions had bruised the public image of beer and thus dented their bottom lines. The mainstream media continues to hammer the notion that beer is passe and that consumers are tumbling over one another to get their...
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CB on MA, NH and VT

Paper City Brewing Company Holyoke, MA If you visit Paper City during one of its popular Friday night tour and party sessions, you’ll usually see a man off to one side, quietly building and filling beer containers for his departing guests. With his prodigious work ethic, it’s no surprise the...
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The Beer Guys!!

In the first part of this interview, I sat down with Sam Calagione, president of the Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, and Tomme Arthur, head brewer for the Port Brewing Company, to discuss the business of beer and what it takes to be the face of their brands. In this second...
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Alan Pugsley

After working his way through the ranks under the tutelage of famed British brewer Peter Austin, Pugsley traveled the world setting up brewing systems in China, Nigeria, Belgium, and Russia, among others. In the last twenty years, Pugsley has helped design and install dozens of breweries in America, including Geary’s,...
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