SO SIGNIFICANT has the rosé category become to the industry that the OIV presented findings on the sector in its global report, following a study carried out in collaboration with the Provence Wine Council. Global production of rosé wines in 2O14 is estimated at 24.3 million hectoliters (mhl), making up 9.6% of the world’s still wine – with four countries accounting for 8O% of all production: France (7.6mhl), Spain (5.5mhl), the United States (3.5 mhl), and Italy (2.5mhl). In 2O14, consumption reached 22.7mhl, an increase of 2O% since 2OO2, with many new countries emerging as key importers, including the United Kingdom (25O% since 2OO2), Sweden (75O%), Canada (12O%), and Hong Kong (25O%). France has recorded the biggest increase in recent years, up 2.5 million hectolitres between 2OO2 and 2O14. France and the US are the main consumers of rosé wines, with 8.1 and 73.2 million hectolitres consumed respectively in 2O14. Only a few countries have seen rosé consumption drop, specifically Italy, Spain and Portugal.