Every time you blink it seems that another beer or drinks company has merged or been bought out by the competition. Wineries have, for the most part, remained independent but that too may be changing. Two well-known German wine cooperatives, Deutsches Weintor and Niederkirchener Weinmacher, are currently preparing to merge. The move is recognition by both co-ops that the global wine sector is evolving, competition is becoming more intense and expectations of quality are rising. The two intend to merge their activities and expand their partnership regarding bottling, supply chain and IT. They both boast premium German wines with national distribution in Germany as well as international markets such as the US (a major brand includes Blue Fish Original Riesling). Niederkirchener Weinmacher was awarded “Best Wine Cooperative in the Pfalz 2O11” by weinwirtschaft magazine. Deutsches Weintor is one of Germany´s leading premium wine brands with national distribution. The merger is expected to be completed within the next five months.