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Theodore “Ted” Rubin, the Chief Executive of Ruby Wines, died of leukemia on Monday, September 7, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  He was 7O-years-old.  Ted Rubin, who lived in Natick and Palm Beach, Florida, was known as a sincere, charitable and compassionate man of integrity who wouldn’t hesitate to help those in need.  An avid golfer, a dedicated philanthropist and a savvy businessman, he took great pride in the fact that his business was a family-run organization.  It was started by Mr. Rubin’s grandfather, Samuel, and father, Irving, in 1921 during Prohibition – distributing Ruby Root Beer.  Ruby Wines was founded in 1933 after the repeal of Prohibition.  When Ted and his brother Robert joined the company, the,y along with their father, started the imported wine business.  Today Robert is the Chief Financial Officer and Ted’s son Brad is the company’s Senior Vice President and Director of Sales.  Mr. Rubin also viewed family in the broader sense of the word, as the company has many employees who stay for a long time, some for 3O-plus years.  Last year, Ted Rubin and his brother were inducted into the Massachusetts Hospitality Hall of Fame.  A few years ago, the Greater Boston Association for Retarded Citizens honored the brothers as their Men of the Year.  In addition to his wife Hilary, sons Doug and Brad and his brother Robert, Mr. Rubin leaves six grandchildren.